2016 Canadian National Conference on Chinese Education & Culture
2016 年全加華文教育會議
In Touch with the Global Village
Date: Friday, Aug. 5 – Sunday, Aug. 7, 2016
Venue: Edmonton Marriott Hotel River Cree Resort |
日期: 8月5日 (星期五) - 8月7日 (星期日) 2016 年
文化專題 地點: 埃德蒙頓萬豪渡假酒店2016 年 |
CACLS 六月通訊 (June 2016 Newsletter)
To all attendees and member schools, please click the above link to view the third announcement, containing important conference information.
此致 各中文學校, 請見第三次通告有関會議的臨時議程書。
Introduction/ 介紹
We invite you to participate in the 2016 Canadian National Conference on Chinese Education and Culture to be held in Edmonton.
A wide variety of topics related to Chinese language education from our role in our Canadian multicultural mosaic to international economic, social, environmental, and humanitarian issues; to classroom teaching methodology, curriculum, arts and culture will be presented. The program will include keynote address, workshops, panel discussions, and exhibits. Social events including opening reception, banquet, and a post conference tour to Jasper National park. The 2016 conference main objectives are focused on the following:
1) Culture diversity and multiculturalism 2) The value of community Chinese Education in Canada 3) World youth, environmental and humanitarian issues PRELIMINARY PANELS
1. Cultural Diversity in Canada 。Traditional family value of Chinese culture in Canada 。Multiculturalism vision 。Human right and heritage language education 2. Contemporary Chinese Education in Canada 。The Implication of Chinese School Education in Canada 。Introduction of OCAC Resources in overseas Chinese education 。Chinese as a second language 。Canadian experience 3. Public Forum 。Youth leadership, participation and role 。Culture and Economical trade development 。Environmental and humanitarian 。Minority right protection WORKSHOPS
1. Teaching and Technology 。Children psychology in Chinese education 。Computer technology application 。Computer teaching experience 。Chinese education in BC 。Teaching Chinese as a second language 。How to better effective teaching in Canada 2. Materials and Curriculum 。Live mandarin curriculum:an Toronto experience 。Canadian experience in technology application 。OCAC resources for teaching materials 。how to select teaching materials for elementary level 。How to become teaching smart 3. Arts and culture 。Calligraphy and painting 。Essay, arts, publishing, media 。Culture (Tai chi, etc.) |
我們誠邀您參加將在省會 埃德蒙頓(愛城)舉行的 2016 年全加華文教育会議。各種各樣 有關中文教育的廣泛課 題, 從華文教育華裔在加拿大多元文化所扮演的角色,以至於在國際經濟和社會領域中的機遇, 到課堂教學方法, 海外華 文教材, 中華文藝等.
2016 大會的主要目標是 掌握今天放 眼未來, 回顧過去三十年的經驗理論和未來的發展。海內外專家學者老師 社區領 袖 青年 朋友 和政府領導 將共聚一堂 連繫友誼相互交流 展望共商加華文教未來大計。豐富的節目 將包括主題演講, 一系列的硏習講座, 專題討論, 和展覽。社交活動包括開幕酒會, 晚宴, 以及會後參觀 (暫訂JASPER 國家公園) 2016年會議宗旨有以下:
1) 加拿大多元文化國策的前瞻性及評價 2) 海外華文教育的前世今生和未來 3) 青年世代,環保 及國際人道主義 專題討論
1. 加拿大文化的多元性 。 中華文化的核心價值 。 加拿大多元文化國策的前瞻性和評價 。 祖語教育的權利 2. 加拿大的華文教育的前世今生 。 華文教育的社會影響 。 僑委會海外教學資源 。 華文第二語教學法 。 加拿大經驗 3. 大衆論壇 。 青年世代 。 經貿發展與文化瞭解的重要性 。 環保及國際人道主義重要性 硏習講座
1. 教學法與科技 。 瞭解𠒇童心理 。 雲端技術與中文教學 。 電腦教學效率經驗談 。 卑詩省中文教育始未 。 海外中文第二語的教學 。 如何改進海外中文教學效果 2. 教學課程與教材 。 多倫多生活華語教學心得 。 電腦中文教學 。 僑委會海外華文教材簡介 。 如何活用啓蒙中文教材 。 如何才能達到有效教學的目的 3. 中國文化與文藝 。 毛筆與國畫 。 中華文藝 |
Location / 地點
Edmonton Marriott Hotel River Cree Resort
300 East Lapotac Blvd. Enoch, Alberta, Canada T7X 3Y3 The four-star Marriott Hotel features easy access by airport shuttle bus and is conveniently located just a few minutes from the world-famous West Edmonton Mall. Hotel booking and access information >> |
Exhibit Space & Donations / 展覽和捐款
Exhibit Space
Space for display booths and exhibits has been set aside next to the conference rooms. The exhibits may include teaching and learning materials, publications, audiovisual aides, exhibits from sponsors and commercial exhibits. The fee for each booth is $100.00 payable in advance to “CACLS” (address as listed in the registration form.) Donations
Your donations will be most appreciated. Please make your donation payable to the CACLS 2016 Canadian National Conference on Chinese Education" (Mailing address: P.O. Rabbit Hill Postal Outlet 88058, Edmonton, Alberta T6R 0M5). If requested, tax receipts will be available for donations over $50 dollars. |
大會將提供展覽陳列室,展覽品包括教材與學習器材,刊物書籍,視聽教材贊助機構廠商的展覽品,每個攤 位的費用是 100 元,此費須要預繳。如果你的展品需預先運到旅館,請務必先與旅館經理直接接洽. 捐款 50 元以上者,如有需要,大会可提供减税收据. 捐款
全加華文教育會議為一非營利性慈善文教活動,懇請大家出錢出力共襄盛舉。 如有意慷慨捐助支持全加華文教 育者, 請惠寄支票如下 (捐款 50 元以上者,如有需要,大会可提供减税收据): CACLS 2016 Canadian National Conference on Chinese Education 郵寄地址 P.O. Rabbit Hill Postal Outlet 88058, Edmonton, Alberta T6R 0M5 |
2016 Canadian National Conference on Chinese Education & Culture / 2016 年全加華文教育會議
ORGANIZED BY: The Edmonton Chinese School / 愛城中文學校承辦
SPONSORED BY : The Canadian Association of Chinese Language Schools / 全加中文學校協會主辦
CO-SPONSORED BY: The Montreal Chinese (Mandarin) School, The Manitoba Academy of Chinese Studies, and The Edmonton Public School Board
SPONSORED BY : The Canadian Association of Chinese Language Schools / 全加中文學校協會主辦
CO-SPONSORED BY: The Montreal Chinese (Mandarin) School, The Manitoba Academy of Chinese Studies, and The Edmonton Public School Board