2016 Canadian National Conference
Event Schedule
Conference Secretariat/Registration Desk:
During the conference, a registration desk will be located at the lobby of the hotel. All delegates may collect a conference package containing the program, lunch and banquet tickets, subsidy application form and tour information. |
在大會期間,服務台將設在飯店的走廊里,所有會議代表可在服務台領取會議議程,午餐,晚宴入場 劵,旅費補助申請表,及有關旅遊資料。 |
Space for display booths and exhibits has been set aside next to the conference rooms. The exhibits may include teaching and learning materials, publications, audiovisual aides, exhibits from sponsors and commercial exhibits. The fee for each booth is $100.00 payable in advance to “CACLS” (address as listed in the registration form). |
大會將提供展覽陳列室,展覽品包括教材與學習器材,刊物書籍,視聽教材贊助機構廠商的展覽品,每個攤 位的費用是 100 元,此費須要預繳。如果你的展品需預先運到旅館,請務必先與旅館經理直接接洽. 捐款 50 元以上者,如有需要,大会可提供减税收据. |
Day 1:
Friday, August 5, 2016
八月五日 星期五
Friday, August 5, 2016
八月五日 星期五
3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Hallway 走廊注册台 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Chief's Room 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Room: Enoch C/D 大廳 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Room: Enoch C/D 大廳 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm 10:00 pm – 10:30 pm Chief's Room |
BOARD MEETING 理事會 (Optional暫訂) (限理事學校代表) OPENING CEREMONY & DINNER 開幕典禮及晚宴(invited Guests only) Opening and Welcoming Remarks 歡迎詞 Mr. John Chai President Canadian Association of Chinese Language School 全加中文學校協會會長 翟應容先生 GREETINGS 致賀詞 Trustee Nathan Ip Edmonton Public School Board Representative 愛城公立學校董事局葉力維政務委員 Message from Mayor 愛城市長His Worship Don Iveston City of Edmonton (Read by conference secretary) Message from Premier of Alberta 亞省省長Hon. Rachel Notley Government of Alberta (Read by Representative) Dr. Bob Turner, MLA,亞省省議員 Message from Prime Minister of Canada 加拿大總理杜魯道Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau Government of Canada (Read by Representative) Matt Jeneroux, MP 國會議員 Tom Chih-Chiang Lee Director General, TECO Vancouver Office 駐溫哥華台北經濟文化辦事處 李志強處長 Community Representative MC: Shirley Chang 司儀:李世玲女士 RECEPTION DINNER 開幕晚宴 (Sponsor: OCAC 僑務委員會) (invited Guests/Delegates Only限被邀來賓及代表) Mini Performance Jane Chien 歐陽金玲 民謠歌曲 Xiao Mei Dance Group曉梅舞蹈團 Live Band: Silent Rock - Hanson's Group Awards - Financial Contributors: Brad Yu(LIly Hong Shum/Wendy Kuan) (Stage Greeters: Chao, Frank, Eleanor, Cindy, Julie, John) SOCIAL MIXER 友誼交流自由時間 BOARD MEETING 理事會 (Optional暫訂) (Board Members Only 限理事學校代表) |
Day 2:
Saturday, August 6, 2016
八月六日 星期六
Saturday, August 6, 2016
八月六日 星期六
7:00 am – 8:30 am
Room: Enoch & Hallway 8:00 am – 9:00 am Hallway 走廊註冊台 9:00 am – 10:00 am Room: Enoch Hall 大廳 No.1 Room: Enoch A Moderator: Mr. Frank Chan 陳喜澄 No.2 Room: Enoch E Moderator: Mr. Woon Chung Yuen 袁焕中 No.3 Room: Enoch F Moderator: Prof. Brad Yu 余志明 10:00 am – 10:30 am 10:30 am – 11:30 am Room: Enoch C/D 大廳 11:30 - 12:00pm 12:00 - 1:00 pm Room: Enoch 大廳 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm Room: Enoch C/D 大廳 2:15 pm – 2:30 pm 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm Room: Enoch C/D 大廳 3:45 pm – 4:15 pm Room: Enoch 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Room: Enoch Hall C/D大廳 9:00 pm – 12:00 pm Room: Enoch Hall 大廳 |
(Hotel guests only 限酒店註冊之代表) REGISTRATION 註冊 CONCURRENT WORKSHOP (Session l) 習講座 (第一節) Living Mandarin 活用生活華語 An introduction of Practical Experience in "Living Mandarin" Ms. Cindy Shen, Principal, Toronto Minghua Mandarin School 多倫多明華中文學校校長 趙美然女士 How to Flip My Split Class 我如何翻轉我的合併班教室 This workshop demonstrates the use of different apps, Chromebook, Blog, Moodle, Google classroom, and world Chinese web based Resources to enhance the effectiveness of teaching split class. Ms. Jessica Yang, Ottawa Chinese Language School 渥太華中文學校 楊曉青女 士 Some Tips for Effectively Teaching in Beginner Class 淺談低年級班有效教學的幾點體會 This workshop shows how to use games, songs, story telling, pictures and colors to stimulate both sides of the brain; with encouragement and love to appeal to the heart, to render teacheing children more effective. Ms. Lily Chen/ Ms. Jing Wang, Edmonton Chinese School 愛城中文學校 陳勤 / 王景女士 BREAK 休息 KEYNOTE ADDRESS 主題演講 Hon. David Kilgour, J.D. 7-Term Member of Parliament & Deputy House Speaker Nobel Peace Prize Nominee 主講人 : 大衛.季羅國閣下,法學博士,歷七屆加拿大國會議員, 國會副議長,聯邦部長,諾貝爾和平獎提名候選人 Chairperson/Introduction by Dr. C. Tai (Neurologist) 前言 : 戴超醫生 ,愛城中文學校協會理事長 GROUP PHOTO 團體依序拍照留念 Luncheon 午餐 (Sponsor: Montreal Chinese Mandarin School .蒙城中華語文學校) (A) PANEL DISCUSSION 專題討論 " Current Challenges of the Asia Pacific Age Culture, Economy, Education and Peace." 當今亞太世界的潮流和挑戰 - 人文,經濟,教育與和平 Chairperson: Eleanor Shia,Saskatoon Heritage Chinese School 沙省華語學校校長 夏於其敏女士 Panelists: A1) "Socio Economic Challenge of Today" 當代社會經濟的挑戰 Mr. Arthur Lau, Montreal Chinese Mandarin School Member of the Order of Canada 蒙城中華語文學校 劉聚富先生 榮獲加拿大獎章 A2) "Education Trends in the 21st Century" 21世纪的教育趋势 Mr. Nathan Ip, Trustee, Edmonton Public School Board 愛城教育局教務委員 葉力維先生 A3) "Educator's Conscience and Monologue of History History Can Be Forgiven but Not Forgotten" 歷史的獨白和教育的良知 (歷史可以原諒但不應遺忘 - 小故事) Mr. John Chai, President CACLS/ Principal Edmonton Chinese School 全加华文教育會議主席/愛城中文學校校長 翟應容先生 BREAK 休息 (B) PANEL DISCUSSION 專題討論 "Next Generation: Multiculturalism, Racial Diversity, And Challenges" 下世代的何去何從:文化多元,種族多元,時代潮流多變的挑戰 Chairperson: Mr. Arthur Lau, Montreal Chinese Mandarin School Member of the Order of Canada 蒙城中華語文學校 劉聚富先生 榮獲加拿大獎章 Panelists: B1) "The Bamboo Ceiling" 北美社會亞裔發展的無形障礙 Mr. Marty Chan Playwright, hit play for cross Canada/New York Tour "Mom, Dad, I'm Living with a White Girl"; Author, City of Edmonton award-winning "The Mystery of the Frozen Brains"; Radio play, TV show script & guest, and numerous awards; also received many nominations including one for the Gemini Awards; Currently, Regional Writer in Residence for the Metro Edmonton Federation of Libraries. 馬丁.陳先生,舞台劇編劇家,作家,CTV, CBC 媒體节目编剧,大愛城地區圖書館聯盟寫作指導專专家。 B2) "Canadian Multiculturalism and Diversity" 加拿大多元文化及種族政策的演变 Ms. Shirley Chang, B.Com., MBA Past President of the Immigrant Centre of Manitoba Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medalist 前緬省新移民中心會長 李世玲女士 B3) "Challenge of Youth Leadership Development in Chinese Community" 培育華裔青年領導人才的挑戰 Mr. Samuel Young, FCPA, CFA Board Member, Hong Kong Canada Business Association, Edmonton Section 前加拿大香港經貿協會理事 ANNUAL MEETING 會員大會 (Member School Reps Only 限本會會員學校代表) GALA BANQUET 慶祝晚宴 (Sponsor: Edmonton Chinese School 愛城中文學校) MC: Fanny Kung/Stephanie Chai Greetings Student's Welcome: Katherine Lin林宇/Arunachalam 桲明 Xiao Mei Dance Group ECSS time(15 min) Awards - Speakers, Financial Contributors: (Brad Yu/Lily Hong Shum/Wendy Kuan) (Stage Greeters: Arthur, Woo Chung, Shirley, Ed. Yueshu) HAPPY TIME & ENTERTAINMENT 歡樂時光/餘興節目 - Live band ( Hanson's Group) - Karaoke(60min) - Line Dance 排舞 (60 min) - Lucky Draw 抽獎 (15 min) |
Day 3:
Sunday, August 7, 2016
八月七日 星期日
Sunday, August 7, 2016
八月七日 星期日
7:00 am – 8:30 am
Room: Enoch & Hallway 8:00 am – 9:00 am Hallway 走廊註冊台 9:00 am – 10:00 am No.4 Room: Enoch A Moderator: Mr. Ed. Lam 林競新 No.5 Room: Enoch E Moderator: Ms. Julie Chang 葉憲年女士 No.6 Room: Enoch F Moderator: Mr. YS Li 李月树 10:00 am – 10:15 am Room: Enoch Hall 大廳 10:15 am – 11:15 am Room: Enoch Hall 大廳 No.7 Room: Enoch A Moderator: Ms. Eleanor Shia 夏于其敏 No.8 Room: Enoch E Moderator: Ms. Vicky Su 蘇偉琪 No.9 Room: Enoch F Moderator: Mr.Raphael Hwang 黃榮根 11:15 am – 12:15 pm No.10 Room: Enoch A Moderator: Mr. Woon-Chung Yuen 袁煥中 No. 11 Room: Enoch E Moderator: Mr. Ed Lam 林競新 No. 12 Room: Enoch F Moderator: Mr. Yuan Pei Wang 王元培 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm Room: Enoch Hall 大廳 1:15 pm – 2:30 pm Room: Enoch C/D 大廳 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm Room: Enoch Hall 大廳 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Room: Enoch Hall 大廳 |
(Hotel Guests only 限酒店註冊之代表) REGISTRATION 註冊 CONCURRENT WORKSHOP (Session II) 研習講座 (第二節) Conquer the Blank Page-Techniques for Teaching Creative Writing to Kids 如何教導孩子創意性的寫作技巧 Children's author Marty Chan reveals his approach to inspiring young writers through anecdotes and writing demonstrations. He maps out writing games and one-on-one techniques to help kids brainstorm ideas turning life experiences into interesting stories. Mr. Marty Chan Playwright, his best known hit play for cross Canada/New York Tour "Mom, Dad, I'm Living with a White Girl"; Author, award-winning "The Mystery of the Frozen Brains"; Regional Writer in Residence for the Metro Edmonton Federation of Libraries. 馬丁.陳先生,得奖舞台劇編劇家,得奖作家,大愛城地區圖書館聯盟寫作指導專专家。 Canadian Experience of Teaching the Level ll Kindergarten Class 加拿大經驗:幼兒大班教學心得 The teaching must be practical, dynamic and varied, with songs, handicraft, games, story telling etc. to stimulate interest during this most critical and fastest period of language development (3-5 year olds. ) Ms. Chun-Yan Liu, Montreal Chinese Mandarin School Ms. Jing Chen 蒙城中華語文學校 劉春艶女士 / 陈静女士 Preliminary Discussion on Teaching Chinese History 中國歷史教學初探 For this challenging task, the author suggests selection of important historical events and personalities, increase cultural/traditional contents and values, and utilizing multimedia and exhibits to aid in teaching. Ms. Sophie Liu, Manitoba Academy of Chinese Studies 緬省中文學院 劉曉梅女士 BREAK 休息 CONCURRENT WORKSHOP (Session III) 研習講座 (第三節) Learning by Playing in the Class 游戲奌亮課堂 Interest is the precondition for optimum learning. The Manitoba Academy has over the years created many outstanding class room games and activities that are very effective learning tools. Ms. Lei Zhu / Ms. Shuang Wang, Manitoba Academy of Chinese Studies 緬省中文學院 朱蕾/王爽女士 Effective and Creative PBL Mobile Learning 有效創意的行動學習策略及應用 This workshop explores the role of students as " Makers of learning" (story telling, role playing, board games etc, to solve problems) while teachers as " Makers of activated courses" by integrating listening, speaking, reading and writing into creative teaching Mode. Mr. Clark LAI, Vancouver Union Mandarin School 溫哥華聯合中文學校校長 賴飛鍾先生 Introduction of Overseas Teaching Materials 僑委會海外華文教育政策 This workshop introduces the current OCAC teaching materials available for overseas Chinese education. Mr. Liang Ming Chang, Director Secretariat OCAC 僑務委員會主任秘書 張良民先生 CONCURRENT WORKSHOP (Session IV) 研習講座 (第四節) How to Teach Chinese More Effectively 如何讓中文教學更有效 By using e-learning, Apps and slides show, and utilizing all body senses, the teacher can be more effective by teaching from the student's perspective and developing a warm teacher student relationship. Mr. Jason Ko, Toronto Minghua Mandarin School 多倫多銘華中文學校 葛健生先生 The Dilemma of Teaching Chinese Characters Overseas – Traditional or Simplified Characters 海外漢字教學的困惑-繁體字或簡體字到底如何兩面俱全 A discussion on all aspects of the difficulties in teaching Chinese characters including how do we teach beginners; and how do we satisfy parents of different backgrounds who prefer traditional or simplified characters. Ms. Jane Chien, President, Western Canada Chinese Schools Association, BC 加西中文僑校聯合會會長 歐陽金玲 女士 How to Improve Effective Teaching in Canada 如何改進海外教學效果 This requires a 3 prong approach: adaptation of pedagogy and teaching materials; organizing more activity based learning; and utilizing Chinese in daily life and in thinking, with emphasis on oral Chinese. Ms. Jing Chen, Montreal Chinese Mandarin School 蒙城中華語文學校 陳靜女士 LUNCHEON 午餐 (Sponsor: TBA) (C) PANEL DISCUSSION 專題討論 "Chinese Education in Canada: Past, Present & Future" 加拿大華文教育及文化的前世今生和遠景 Chairperson: TBA Panelists: C1) “Lesson Plan and Assessment/Evaluation" 課程規劃及評估 Ms. Eleanor Shia, Saskatoon Heritage Chinese Language School 沙省華語學校校長 夏于其敏女士 C2) "The History of Chinese Education in Toronto" 多倫多中文教育發展史 Ms. Cindy Shen, Principal, Toronto Minghua Mandarin School 銘華中文學校校長 趙美然女士 C3) “ECE Teaching Methodology and Potential in Canada" 加拿大幼教經驗及其發展 Ms. Julie Chang, Former Principal, TUAAWC Chinese School Rep. 前溫哥華大專校友會中文學校校长 葉憲年女士 CLOSING REMARKS & CEREMONY 闭幕典礼 拍照留念 Mr. John Chai President CACLS (15 years) Principal, Edmonton Chinese School Conference Chairperson: (1992 Edmonton, 1998 Toronto, 2004 Ottawa, 2016 Edmonton) & 1995 Special Conference 全加中文學校協會會長 翟應容先生 全國華文教育會議主席(1992愛城,1998多倫多,2004渥太華,2016愛城)及1995愛城華文教育會議 Awards: Brad Yu ( Lily Shum/Wendy Kuan) (Stage Greeters: Lily, Shirley, Woo Chung, Shirley, Ed. Yueshu) Thank You Organizing Team & Volunteers CACLS 答谢全体工作团队 REIMBURSEMENT APPLICATION 退款登記 |
Day 4 (optional):
Monday, August 8, 2016 八月八日 星期一 |
POST-CONFERENCE TOUR (Optional) 旅遊觀光或賦歸