2016 Canadian National Conference
Registration and Contact Information
Please download the registration form below.
Please complete a separate form for each person attending.
Please complete a separate form for each person attending.
Please enclose payment with the form(s) and send to:
P.O. Box 88058
Rabbit Hill Post Office
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6R 0M5
P.O. Box 88058
Rabbit Hill Post Office
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6R 0M5
Registration Fee — $200
The registration fee, payable in advance includes conference costs, refreshments, luncheon and banquet. For accompanying guests, tickets can be pre-purchased or at door if available for cost control purposes. Refunds will be made only if written notice of cancellation is received prior to May 30. A $30 fee will be charged for all refunds. Subject to fund availability, a subsidy of up to 50% (all CACLS member schools in good standing) and up to 25% (non CACLS members) of discount airfare, excluding tax will be available to those delegates who are coming from outside 100 km radius of Edmonton. Your attention to early flight booking is required. Application forms for subsidy reimbursement will be available at the conference registration table. A copy of the receipt is required for reimbursement. |
報名費 — $200
報名費必須提前支付,此費包括與會代表 會議費,酒會,早晨茶點,午餐,晚宴和咖啡,費用不足部份大會補助。但非開會陪客人士必須預買餐券進場, 售完為止。 任何退費必須在五月卅日前以書面提出申請,退費手續費三十元 。 大會將努力補助與會代表的旅費,補助多寡視大會經費的多少而定, 但最多不超過 50%(未欠會費的會員學校)及不超 過 25% (非會員學校)以廉價機票不含税的票價為準,敬請注意廉價機票必須提早訂購。這項旅費支助專為來自一百公 里外的出席代表。申請旅費補助表格可在大會註冊服務台領取。必須要有機票存根為補助的依據. |
Telephone Enquires:
For additional information and general inquiries please call: Mr. John Chai: +1.780.438.6324 Dr. Chao Tai: +1.780.430.6340 |
翟應容: +1.780.438.6324 戴超: +1.780.430.6340 |