2016 Canadian National Conference
第三次通告(會議議程書) 3rd Announcement
1) Please view the updated conference program that will that be printed shortly and included in the conference package available at the conference site.
2) Thanks to our senior member schools for their strong support to the national conference. We are pleased to announce that many delegates have now registered from almost all major cities across Canada. 3) Hon. David Kilgour, J.D. has confirmed to be the keynote speaker at the national conference. David is a lawyer, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee; long time federal MP, deputy house speaker. Thanks to David for his commitment to bring this conference to the next level, after our previous international leaders from the Governor General of Canada, World Peace Summit of Washington DC and UNESCO. 4) Many thanks to the following leading member sister schools for their strong financial raising support: Edmonton Chinese School; Montreal Chinese Mandarin School; Manitoba Academy of Chinese Studies, and many others. We will publicly acknowledge all ($500 and above) in our program book provided your donation cheque is received prior to the printing. 5) Please follow business dress code and arrive on time for reception party (Friday 7p.m.) and banquet (Saturday 6:00 p.m.). Pre-arrangements for spouse or accompanying persons to attend Reception and Banquet are absolutely required due to security reasons. First come first serve. 6) The deadline for our hotel room discount rate will be expired soon. Please make sure you have used hotel reservation "link". 7) Let us know if you require a table for display ($100 per school or unit). |
1) 請見第三次通告有関會議的臨時議程書 (會議程序)。
2) 歲月如流全加 華文教育會議即將於8月 5日在美麗的洛磯山脈東麓省會埃德蒙頓 (Edmonton Marriott Hotel at River Cree Resort) 隆重登場。感謝各地傳統資深會員學校的鼎力支持。 3) 大衛季洛國閣下己碓 定將就大會主題發表主題演講。大衛是加拿大名律師,諾貝爾和平獎提名候選人,資深政治家七屆國 會議員,國會副議長,聯邦部長。他𦲷會支持全加會議預計比美過去全國會議主題演講名家(加拿大國 家縂督,華府世界和平峰會秘書長,聯合國千禧年和平教育獎得主 UNESCO Education Prize) 。 4) 捐款分類: 鑽石級 (diamond>10,000元),金牌級Gold>5000元,銀 牌級(Silver>2000元,銅牌級(Bronze>500元)。謝謝各校努力籌款,迄今大力支持之姊妹會員學校: 愛 城中文學校、蒙城中華語文學校、緬省中文學院、渥太華中文學校,沙省華校及其他衆多捐款者無法 一一詳列。只要在議程書付印之前收到捐款,大會將依規定在議程書列名答謝銅牌以上捐贈者。銀牌 以上將應邀上台接受表揚和致詞。得道多助 相信未來二個月會継續得到更多的支持和贊助。 5) 溫馨提示:大會開幕及茶點酒會在 (星期五晚上七時) ,晚宴 (星期六晚上六時) 舉行屆時貴賓雲集請大家告訴大家準時出席盛裝拍照共襄 盛舉。因四星以上酒店一切必須訂座.如果配偶或家人要參加酒會或晚宴一定要事先通知本會預先訂票。 6) 溫馨提示: 請注意 本會合約包訂酒店房間的特價截止時限快到了還未訂房者請在本月 底前訂妥。如果您未經酒店提供訂房 專用 Link 或使用其他服務網路系統訂房者 煩請告之,籌委會會 與酒店確定歸入大會合約的房間名額內避免遺漏,以滿足合約之要求。 7) 需要展示攤位請本月底以前告之 籌委會 (此外機票務必早訂,本會係以廉價機票為補助的標準) 8) 前通訊曾經提供Jasper/Banff洛磯山脈國家公園三天遊資訊詢問者不少。據報六人以上就能出團還 可選星期一開團 查詢 Skyline Travel (Meggy Lam: [email protected] or Vicky (780.424.0213). |
主席 翟應容John Chai
Cc. Dr. Chao Tai
Cc. Dr. Chao Tai
1) We have completed our conference program which is now under printing. Please see attached a copy of the program without attachments for your information only. You may also see the latest soon on the website www.edmontonchineseschool.com. The organizing committee reserves the right for any changes if necessary.
2) Thank you to Edmonton Chinese School fundraising committee for their tremendous effort to help as we desperately need. Congratulations, they are now moving towards the next level 2nd diamond. It is truly a tough job but they will do it one more time for the little community School on the prairie all for the good course. Again many thanks to our leading sister schools, organizations and many many individual donations. 3)Dress Code Requirements: No Jeans - Fri.,Opening/ Reception Dinner (Speaker:Business;Otherwise Business Casual) - Sat., Gala Banquet (Business Casual) - Meetings (Same as opening session) 4) Speakers are requested to email your short resume (1/4 no more than 1/2 page) to [email protected] and cc to me ([email protected]) immediately for introduction purposes, if have not done so. 5) All moderators need to be aware of duties. Please pick up a sheet of duties at Registration/Secretariat table. 6) If you have any questions, feel free to call 780.438.6324. Have a nice trip and see you in Edmonton. John Chai Cc. Dr. Chao Tai Kimberly Foo |
1) 籌備會己完成最後議程表版本。茲將議程主體部份電郵大家以為參攷。相関消息本週 內很快就可見於主辦學校的網頁。大會保留權利做任何議程變動。
2) 籌款籌款再籌款,感謝愛城中文學校籌款小組為了大會加倍努力現在正 衝向雙鑚石的門檻。對於出錢出力共襄盛舉的姊妹學校/單位 以及更多難能可貴的個人捐款義舉令 人感動人天寒地凍人心䁔。 3) 衣着要求, 謝絕牛仔褲 (如果不太清楚請電詢或谷歌) 星期五開幕式歡迎晚餐(上台致詞 商務裝,一般賓客或代表 商務便裝) 星期六大會晚宴(商務便裝) 其他開會(同開幕典禮) 4) 講員如還未寄簡歷介紹的話請快電郵過來如不確定或頁數太長請再麻煩一次,1/4 頁即可最長不要超過半頁 : [email protected] and cc to me ([email protected]) 5) 所有的講座主持人請注意 在註冊報到時領取一份主持人需知 (介紹講員,維持秩序,執行問 答程序,感謝贈紀念品,不要誤時下課) 6) 會期己近如有其他疑問請電子郵件或電話 780.438.6324。 敬祝 旅途平安愉快 愛城再會 此致 各姊妹中文學校及團體 2016 愛城全加華文教育會議 (Edmonton) 主席 翟應容 John Chai 附件一 Cc. Dr. Chao Tai Kimberly Foo |